Number: 2000 Pages: 1120 Price: Rs.150
This book tells the story of Jesus’s birth. It starts with God sending an angel to announce to Mary that she will have a son, through supernatural means, who will be the saviour of the world. This fulfilled what God had revealed to the prophets long before, that a virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called “Immanuel” which means “God is with us”. This book is written in a simple style appropriate for new readers.
Publisher: PLC Year: 1990 Edition: 1st
Number: 1000 Pages: 28 Price: Rs. 15
•Jesus Teaches
•This book contains some of the key teachings of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of John. The selection of passages is based on what Jesus said about himself:
•“I am the light of the world”
•“I am the true vine”
•“I am the way, the truth, and the life”
•“I am the resurrection and the life”
•“I am the good shepherd”
•This book also contains questions on each passage encouraging the reader to think about what Jesus says. It is written in a simple style appropriate for new readers.
• Publisher: PLC Year: 1990 Edition: 1st
• Number: 1000 Pages: ** Price: Rs. 15